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Upcycle vs Recycle

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

The Australian government has committed over $20M to a National Waste Policy which looks at ways to avoid waste in the home, better recycling facilities, more uses for recycled products and the phasing out of unnecessary plastics to create a more circular economy.

You can find out more about the plan here:

The Australian government is also investing $800M into infrastructure to sort, process and reuse a more diverse range of products, saving the landfill and creating more jobs.

The introduction of the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) is making it easier to identify which part of your rubbish is disposed where and in a more thoughtful manner thereby reducing landfill.

The 3 variations are easy to read instructions for the disposal of each item in the packaging:

For leftovers from packaging, to cling wrap, clothing, light bulbs and more check out how simple the Recycle Smart company is to use:

You can also see if your council in Sydney is a partner.

Tips for Recycling at Home

This image, the Hierarchy of Waste is from get.waste.ed on Instagram, follow him!

Clean foil collected and made into the size of a tennis ball can be added to your recycling bin.

Blister packs can be sent to Biome.

  • Red Cycle deserves more attention:

You can find out more on the Red Cycle website with this link: for a list of the Do's and Don't's.

Red Cycle bins can be found at the front of your local Woolies and Coles.


For fun ideas from Flora and Fauna use this link:

For more inspo and other ideas here is a link for Upcycle That:

If you have made the switch to sustainable cleaning products, ENJO has a fabulous UPcycling program for your old microfibres to become car seat padding and insulation products. You can contact me for more information on how to return your fibres.

Hopefully I have given you some ideas and food for thought on ways to reduce your consumption and responsibly recycle or upcycle and search for ways on doing better for us and the planet?

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